We Are Proud to Annouce the Acquisition of Rob's Computer Services

Dear Valued Customer:
As of June 15th, 2023 I am retiring and selling my business to Chris MacCoy, owner of MacCoy Technology out of Vernon. For all of my current customers he will still be using the name “Rob’s Computer Care”.
MacCoy Technology is a small business located in Vernon CT. He started his business in 2009. I have been working with Chris over the last 4 months to make this transition as smooth as possible for all of my customers.
Rob’s Computer Care’s phone #, Email address, website and Facebook business page will remain the same. Nothing changes.
Starting June 15th all calls, emails, texts and Facebook messages will either be forwarded or go directly to MacCoy Technology. Just like Rob’s Computer Care did, Chris will provide remote access service as well as come to your home or business.
MacCoy Technology will have all of my customer records since the start of my business in 2009.
He will have a record of:
- All customer information (Name, Address, Ph #, Email address)
- All service call details (Date of service and what was done)
- All equipment details for all customers (desktops, laptops, hard drives, etc.)
- MacCoy Technology will honor all 90 Day Warranties that were issued by Rob’s
- Computer Care within the last 90 days.
I chose Chris MacCoy (MacCoy Technology) because he is an expert in all aspects of computer hardware, software, networking and just like me cares greatly about his customers. His work ethic is the same as mine and his service fees are similar.
I highly recommend MacCoy Technology for any future computer issues you might have. This should be a very smooth transition and I hope you will use MacCoy Technology for all your future needs.
Thanks very much for all your support throughout the last 13 years! It has been a pleasure serving you. I will be available up until June15th to service your needs.
Robs Computer Care
June 15th 2023
A majority of services will remain the same exact cost as when Rob performed them.
Yes, we will now be open 10 AM to 6 PM Monday to Friday